graphic of words related to gender equality

Resources To Help The Cause!

If you've just come from our quiz, we hope you enjoyed it! If not, why not give it a go here! Below we have compiled a few articles and links that contain information on how you can help improve gender equality in both your life and workplace.

For Employers

If you're an employer in Ireland and are looking for some facts about the gender pay gap and related issues, we've included a link here that will hopefully educate and enlighten you, helping you improve your workplace environment for you and your employees.

Improve your workplace
men and women on a weighting scale

For Employees!

man and woman shacking hands with a scale in the background

If you're an employee and you want to know more about your rights when it comes to gender equality in the workplace, we've included a link here all about what the gender pay gap in Ireland is. Never be afraid to advocate for yourself!

Know Your Rights

For Those Who Want To Make A Difference!

Whether you're an employer, employee or just someone hoping to make a change, we've provided a link to an article providing some simple ways you can help.

Things You Can Do To Help
man and woman sitting on the weighting scale